Cisco Packet Tracer (CPT) is a free Network and IoT Simulation & Visualization tool for starters in Cisco Networking Technologies. Packet Tracer's 32bit & 64bit versions are available for Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1 and 10, and a 64-bit version is available for Linux (Not available for macOS at this time). This tutorial will focus on installing Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (Same process is valid for all Debian Linux based Distros):
rana@Ubuntu16:~$ packettracer
Starting Packet Tracer 7.1
In this case, follow the below solution:
Rana Tauqeer.
- Download Packet Tracer 7.1 from Cisco Networking Academy (NetAcad)
(you must be a member of NetAcad to download CPT) - Open a terminal (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + t), and change directory to the downloaded file location (/home/User/Downloads' in this case) and extract the downloaded .tar file :
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ tar -xzvf Cisco_PacketTracer71_64bit_linux.tar.gz
- Start the installation by typing '/.install' in extracted files directory:
$ cd Cisco_PacketTracer71_64bit_linux
$ sudo ./install - You will be asked to read the terms (EULA):
(Keep pressing 'Enter' key until EULA is read 100%) - Now you'll be asked to accept EULA:
Do you accept the terms of the EULA? (Y)es/(N)o(Press 'Y' to accept EULA) - Enter location to install Cisco Packet Tracer or press enter for installation in default directory [/opt/pt]:
(Press ‘Enter’ key to select the default location /opt/pt ) - Now, you'll be asked, Should we create a symbolic link "packettracer" in /usr/local/bin for easy Cisco Packet Tracer startup? [Yn] (Press 'Y' to create a symbolic link)
- After completion of installation, launch Packet Tracer 7.1 by typing ‘packettracer’ in terminal.
Starting Packet Tracer 7.1 - Enter your Cisco NetAcad Credentials to login or login as guest.
Some folks have reported that their Packet Tracer installation completed successfully, but 'packettracer' command didn't open CPT, and no error message was shown, like below:rana@Ubuntu16:~$ packettracer
Starting Packet Tracer 7.1
In this case, follow the below solution:
- Open a terminal, and download Debian package containing the older version of 'libicui18n' (CPT requires libicui18n with an older version '52' instead of '55', which is not available in Ubuntu16.04 LTS.)
- $wget
- Install the .deb package
$sudo dpkg -i libicu52_52.1-3ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb - Now CPT should start correctly via 'packettracer' in a terminal.
[Credits: Steve]
Rana Tauqeer.
Thanks Rana,
ReplyDeleteThe solution works on Mint but does not work on UBUNTU. I have tried several other method suggestions besides what you mentioned, but I could not run Packet Tracer 7.1.1 on UBUNTU and FEDORA (current versions).
Elaborate 'I could not run Packet Tracer 7.1.1 on UBUNTU and FEDORA' Any error message(s) or else?
DeleteI apologize for the late reply. I can not always take care of it because I have a lot of work, so please forgive me with blogs. Packet Tracer does not give any error message. It just does not work.
DeleteMerci Rana,
ReplyDeleteça marche pour moi sur Ubuntu16.04LTS
Bon à savoir que ça a marché!
Deletepour cette etage c'est bonrana@Ubuntu16:~$ packettracer
DeleteStarting Packet Tracer 7.1
mais pour ouvrir ne march jamais. pouvez m'aide sure ca?
Check the PS in original post; and if you are facing any other issue, do respond with details.
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