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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

SerureCRT 8.3 installation on Ubuntu 16.04LTS Linux

This tutorial uses SerureCRT 8.3 - Nov 9, 2017 release running on Ubuntu 16.04LTS machine, follow the steps below and enjoy fully featured rock-solid terminal emulation:
  • Download the latest SecureCRT for Linux Ubuntu 16.x 64-bit (scrt-8.3.0-1514.ubuntu16-64.x86_64.deb) from official Website 
  • Double click the downloaded .deb file, and install it through Ubuntu Software Center for ease.
  • Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and download the perl script:
    rana@Ubuntu16:~$ wget
  • Check out the SecureCRT installation path:
    rana@Ubuntu16:~$ whereis SecureCRT
    SecureCRT: /usr/bin/SecureCRT 
  • Run the perl script on SecureCRT's installation path '/usr/bin/SecureCRT':
    rana@Ubuntu16:~$ sudo perl /usr/bin/SecureCRT
    If the script is successful, the registration information output will be generated in terminal.
  • Now, run 'SecureCRT' command in terminal and follow the prompts to fill out the registration information output in 'Enter License Manually' Tab.
  • All Done!

(Script share is just for the sake of testing/educational purposes and do not endorse cracking, use in production or intend to violate any copyrights. Please, properly give credits to the developers; download trial and buy the most awesome SecureCRT - Peace!)

Rana Tauqeer.

Monday, November 20, 2017

GNS3 2.0.3 Error on Ubuntu 16.04LTS: IOS/IOU_name.bin%20is%20not%20executable

GNS3 2.0.3 Error Message on Ubuntu 16.04LTS:


Some fellows came across the above error, while adding/configuring IOS/IOU on GNS3 2.0.3 and the development version GNS3 2.1.0 running on Ubuntu 16.04LTS machines. The error message is self explanatory, and just needs you to add execution rights to the IOS/IOU files in GNS3's images directory, like below and can be repeated for all IOS/IOU giving the same error:

(The below example assumes GNS3's default directories, and shows rights inclusion to L2 IOU, L3 IOU and a c7200 router IOS, just open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+t, and do the following from '/home/user' directory)

rana@Ubuntu16:~cd GNS3/images/IOU
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOU$ sudo chmod +x i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-
[sudo] password for rana: 
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOU$ sudo chmod +x i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.1T.bin
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOU$ cd ..
rana@Ubuntu16:~cd GNS3/images$ cd IOS
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOS$ sudo chmod +x c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.153-3.XB12.bin

Now, open GNS3 again and add the IOS/IOU again in Preferences Tab, everything should work as intended.

Rana Tauqeer.

GNS3 2.0.3 & GNS3 2.1.0 Error on Ubuntu 16.04LTS: uBridge is not available, path doesn't exist.

GNS3 2.0.3 ERROR:
uBridge is not available, path doesn't exist, or you just installed GNS3 and need to restart your user session to refresh user permissions"


I came across the above uBridge error, while running GNS3 2.0.3 stable version (also tried the development version of GNS3 2.1.0, but stuck at the same error), on my Ubuntu 16.04LTS Machine. Applied almost all available solutions on GNS3 forums and other blogs but nothing worked. Finally, I was able to figure out the following solution, which did the charm! 

Step-1: Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t), and login as root/Superuser 
rana@Ubuntu16:~$ su - 

Step-2: Update repository 
root@Ubuntu16:~$apt-get update 

Step-3: Install 'sudo' 
While trying and working around other available solutions, I suspect that something went wrong with 'sudo' too, this step can be exempted/skipped if 'sudo' is working correctly for you - (which can be checked with 'sudo ls' command) 
root@Ubuntu16:~$apt install sudo 

Step-4: Add the user ('rana' in my case) to group sudo 
root@Ubuntu16:~$usermod -aG sudo rana 

Step-5: Reboot the machine

Step6: After reboot, reconfigure ubridge 
rana@Ubuntu16:~$sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubridge 

Step-7: Run GNS3, test it and enjoy learning!!! 

[The same answer and other suggested workarounds related to this particular error can also be found at GNS3 Community Forums]

Rana Tauqeer.

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 Installation on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Linux

Cisco Packet Tracer (CPT) is a free Network and IoT Simulation & Visualization tool for starters in Cisco Networking Technologies. Packet Tracer's 32bit & 64bit versions are available for Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1 and 10, and a 64-bit version is available for Linux (Not available for macOS at this time). This tutorial will focus on installing Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (Same process is valid for all Debian Linux based Distros):
  • Download Packet Tracer 7.1 from Cisco Networking Academy (NetAcad)
    (you must be a member of NetAcad to download CPT)
  • Open a terminal (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + t), and change directory to the downloaded file location (/home/User/Downloads' in this case) and extract the downloaded .tar file :
    $ cd ~/Downloads
    $ tar -xzvf Cisco_PacketTracer71_64bit_linux.tar.gz
  • Start the installation by typing '/.install' in extracted files directory:
    $ cd Cisco_PacketTracer71_64bit_linux
    sudo ./install
  • You will be asked to read the terms (EULA):
    (Keep pressing 'Enter' key until EULA is read 100%)
  • Now you'll be asked to accept EULA:
    Do you accept the terms of the EULA? (Y)es/(N)o(Press 'Y' to accept EULA)
  • Enter location to install Cisco Packet Tracer or press enter for installation in default directory [/opt/pt]:
    (Press ‘Enter’ key to select the default location /opt/pt )
  • Now, you'll be asked, Should we create a symbolic link "packettracer" in /usr/local/bin for easy Cisco Packet Tracer startup? [Yn] (Press 'Y' to create a symbolic link)
  • After completion of installation, launch Packet Tracer 7.1 by typing packettracerin terminal.
    Starting Packet Tracer 7.1
  • Enter your Cisco NetAcad Credentials to login or login as guest.


Some folks have reported that their Packet Tracer installation completed successfully, but 'packettracer' command didn't open CPT, and no error message was shown, like below: 
rana@Ubuntu16:~$ packettracer
Starting Packet Tracer 7.1
In this case, follow the below solution:
  • Open a terminal, and download Debian package containing the older version of 'libicui18n' (CPT requires libicui18n with an older version '52' instead of '55', which is not available in Ubuntu16.04 LTS.)
  • $wget
  • Install the .deb package
    $sudo dpkg -i libicu52_52.1-3ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb
  • Now CPT should start correctly via 'packettracer' in a terminal.
    [Credits: Steve]

Rana Tauqeer.


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