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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

SerureCRT 8.3 installation on Ubuntu 16.04LTS Linux

This tutorial uses SerureCRT 8.3 - Nov 9, 2017 release running on Ubuntu 16.04LTS machine, follow the steps below and enjoy fully featured rock-solid terminal emulation:
  • Download the latest SecureCRT for Linux Ubuntu 16.x 64-bit (scrt-8.3.0-1514.ubuntu16-64.x86_64.deb) from official Website 
  • Double click the downloaded .deb file, and install it through Ubuntu Software Center for ease.
  • Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and download the perl script:
    rana@Ubuntu16:~$ wget
  • Check out the SecureCRT installation path:
    rana@Ubuntu16:~$ whereis SecureCRT
    SecureCRT: /usr/bin/SecureCRT 
  • Run the perl script on SecureCRT's installation path '/usr/bin/SecureCRT':
    rana@Ubuntu16:~$ sudo perl /usr/bin/SecureCRT
    If the script is successful, the registration information output will be generated in terminal.
  • Now, run 'SecureCRT' command in terminal and follow the prompts to fill out the registration information output in 'Enter License Manually' Tab.
  • All Done!

(Script share is just for the sake of testing/educational purposes and do not endorse cracking, use in production or intend to violate any copyrights. Please, properly give credits to the developers; download trial and buy the most awesome SecureCRT - Peace!)

Rana Tauqeer.

Monday, November 20, 2017

GNS3 2.0.3 Error on Ubuntu 16.04LTS: IOS/IOU_name.bin%20is%20not%20executable

GNS3 2.0.3 Error Message on Ubuntu 16.04LTS:


Some fellows came across the above error, while adding/configuring IOS/IOU on GNS3 2.0.3 and the development version GNS3 2.1.0 running on Ubuntu 16.04LTS machines. The error message is self explanatory, and just needs you to add execution rights to the IOS/IOU files in GNS3's images directory, like below and can be repeated for all IOS/IOU giving the same error:

(The below example assumes GNS3's default directories, and shows rights inclusion to L2 IOU, L3 IOU and a c7200 router IOS, just open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+t, and do the following from '/home/user' directory)

rana@Ubuntu16:~cd GNS3/images/IOU
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOU$ sudo chmod +x i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-
[sudo] password for rana: 
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOU$ sudo chmod +x i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.1T.bin
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOU$ cd ..
rana@Ubuntu16:~cd GNS3/images$ cd IOS
rana@Ubuntu16:~/GNS3/images/IOS$ sudo chmod +x c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.153-3.XB12.bin

Now, open GNS3 again and add the IOS/IOU again in Preferences Tab, everything should work as intended.

Rana Tauqeer.

GNS3 2.0.3 & GNS3 2.1.0 Error on Ubuntu 16.04LTS: uBridge is not available, path doesn't exist.

GNS3 2.0.3 ERROR:
uBridge is not available, path doesn't exist, or you just installed GNS3 and need to restart your user session to refresh user permissions"


I came across the above uBridge error, while running GNS3 2.0.3 stable version (also tried the development version of GNS3 2.1.0, but stuck at the same error), on my Ubuntu 16.04LTS Machine. Applied almost all available solutions on GNS3 forums and other blogs but nothing worked. Finally, I was able to figure out the following solution, which did the charm! 

Step-1: Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t), and login as root/Superuser 
rana@Ubuntu16:~$ su - 

Step-2: Update repository 
root@Ubuntu16:~$apt-get update 

Step-3: Install 'sudo' 
While trying and working around other available solutions, I suspect that something went wrong with 'sudo' too, this step can be exempted/skipped if 'sudo' is working correctly for you - (which can be checked with 'sudo ls' command) 
root@Ubuntu16:~$apt install sudo 

Step-4: Add the user ('rana' in my case) to group sudo 
root@Ubuntu16:~$usermod -aG sudo rana 

Step-5: Reboot the machine

Step6: After reboot, reconfigure ubridge 
rana@Ubuntu16:~$sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubridge 

Step-7: Run GNS3, test it and enjoy learning!!! 

[The same answer and other suggested workarounds related to this particular error can also be found at GNS3 Community Forums]

Rana Tauqeer.

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 Installation on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Linux

Cisco Packet Tracer (CPT) is a free Network and IoT Simulation & Visualization tool for starters in Cisco Networking Technologies. Packet Tracer's 32bit & 64bit versions are available for Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1 and 10, and a 64-bit version is available for Linux (Not available for macOS at this time). This tutorial will focus on installing Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (Same process is valid for all Debian Linux based Distros):
  • Download Packet Tracer 7.1 from Cisco Networking Academy (NetAcad)
    (you must be a member of NetAcad to download CPT)
  • Open a terminal (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + t), and change directory to the downloaded file location (/home/User/Downloads' in this case) and extract the downloaded .tar file :
    $ cd ~/Downloads
    $ tar -xzvf Cisco_PacketTracer71_64bit_linux.tar.gz
  • Start the installation by typing '/.install' in extracted files directory:
    $ cd Cisco_PacketTracer71_64bit_linux
    sudo ./install
  • You will be asked to read the terms (EULA):
    (Keep pressing 'Enter' key until EULA is read 100%)
  • Now you'll be asked to accept EULA:
    Do you accept the terms of the EULA? (Y)es/(N)o(Press 'Y' to accept EULA)
  • Enter location to install Cisco Packet Tracer or press enter for installation in default directory [/opt/pt]:
    (Press ‘Enter’ key to select the default location /opt/pt )
  • Now, you'll be asked, Should we create a symbolic link "packettracer" in /usr/local/bin for easy Cisco Packet Tracer startup? [Yn] (Press 'Y' to create a symbolic link)
  • After completion of installation, launch Packet Tracer 7.1 by typing packettracerin terminal.
    Starting Packet Tracer 7.1
  • Enter your Cisco NetAcad Credentials to login or login as guest.


Some folks have reported that their Packet Tracer installation completed successfully, but 'packettracer' command didn't open CPT, and no error message was shown, like below: 
rana@Ubuntu16:~$ packettracer
Starting Packet Tracer 7.1
In this case, follow the below solution:
  • Open a terminal, and download Debian package containing the older version of 'libicui18n' (CPT requires libicui18n with an older version '52' instead of '55', which is not available in Ubuntu16.04 LTS.)
  • $wget
  • Install the .deb package
    $sudo dpkg -i libicu52_52.1-3ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb
  • Now CPT should start correctly via 'packettracer' in a terminal.
    [Credits: Steve]

Rana Tauqeer.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Fascinating Box Up Time!

A fellow sent me a picture showing UP TIME of a Production Switch, the longest I have ever seen!!!!

 Box UpTime of 19years; just inplace upgrades, never reloaded or lost power, isn't it fascinating? How much more have you seen?

Clock Rate or Clocking

Clock rate/Clocking is actual line speed and is configured on serial links in DCE side of network. When you set the clock rate for a serial interface, you are setting the speed of the interface, in other words, actual rate of data transfer. It has to do with the physical speed of the circuit (typically based on TDM architectures) where your clock cycle is 'x' times per second (deriving bandwidth of 'x' bits per second).  You can't send at speeds greater than your clock rate as this is a physical limiting!

The clock rate is used to match the clocks on the receiver and transmitter on remote and local router. The two routers need to sync up their clock perimeters in order to decode the packets coming on their interfaces.

Ethernet Frame - Explained!

Ethernet Frame

The Ethernet frame structure is defined in the IEEE 802.3 standard. Following explains a typical Ethernet Frame and description of each field in the frame:

  • Preamble – informs the receiving system that a frame is starting and enables synchronization. The Preamble consists of seven bytes all of the form 10101010, and is used by the receiver to allow it to establish bit synchronization (there is no clocking information on the Ether when nothing is being sent). This is a stream of bits used to allow the transmitter and receiver to synchronize their communication. The preamble is an alternating pattern of binary 56 ones and zeroes. The preamble is immediately followed by the Start Frame Delimiter. An alternating 1,0 pattern provides a 5 MHz clock at the start of each packet, which allows the receiving devices to lock the incoming bit stream.
  • SFD (Start Frame Delimiter) – signifies that the Destination MAC Address field begins with the next byte. The Start frame delimiter is a single byte, 10101011, which is a frame flag, indicating the start of a frame. This is always 10101011 and is used to indicate the beginning of the frame information. The preamble is seven octets and the SFD is one octet (synch). The SFD is 10101011, where the last pair of 1s allows the receiver to come into the alternating 1,0 pattern somewhere in the middle and still sync up to detect the beginning of the data.
  • Destination MAC – identifies the receiving system. This is the MAC address of the machine receiving data. This transmits a 48-bit value using the least significant bit (LSB) first. The DA is used by receiving stations to determine whether an incoming packet is addressed to a particular node. The destination address can be an individual address or a broadcast or multicast MAC address. Remember that a broadcast is all 1s—all Fs in hex—and is sent to all devices. A multicast is sent only to a similar subset of nodes on a network.
  • Source MAC – identifies the sending system. This is the MAC address of the machine transmitting data. The SA (Source Address) is a 48-bit MAC address used to identify the transmitting device, and it uses the least significant bit first. Broadcast and multicast address formats are illegal within the SA field.
  • Type – defines the type of routed protocol inside the frame, for example IPv4 or IPv6. 802.3 uses a Length field, but the Ethernet_II frame uses a Type field to identify the Network layer protocol. The old, original 802.3 cannot identify the upper-layer protocol and must be used with a proprietary LAN—IPX, for example. The Type field for IPv4 is 08-00, mostly just referred to as 0x800 in hexadecimal, and 0x86dd for IPv6.
  • Data and Pad – (aka Payload) contains the payload data. Padding data is added to meet the minimum length requirement for this field (46 bytes). This is the length of the entire Ethernet frame in bytes. It is rarely larger than 1500bytes as that is usually the maximum transmission frame size (MTU) for most serial connections. Ethernet networks tend to use serial devices to access the Internet. The data is inserted here. This is a packet sent down to the Data Link layer from the Network layer. The size can vary from 46 to 1,500 bytes.
  • FCS (Frame Check Sequence) – contains a 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) which allows detection of corrupted data. This field contains the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) which is calculated using a Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC). The FCS allows Ethernet to detect errors in the Ethernet frame and reject the frame if it appears damaged.FCS is a field at the end of the frame that’s used to store the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) answer. The CRC is a mathematical algorithm that’s run when each frame is built based on the data in the frame. When a receiving host receives the frame and runs the CRC, the answer should be the same. If not, the frame is discarded, assuming errors have occurred.

Friday, August 25, 2017

What is Ethernet?

Ethernet is a family of physical and data-link layer technologies for Local Area Networks (LANs) that is used to transport streams of data. It is a contention-based media access method that allows all hosts on a network to share the same link’s bandwidth. Ethernet uses both Data Link and Physical layer specifications.

Ethernet uses a protocol called Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), which helps devices share the bandwidth evenly while preventing two devices from transmitting simultaneously on the same network medium.

The type of network cabling and signaling specifications described in Ethernet were first developed by Xerox in the late 1970, which were later revised in IEEE 802.3

IEEE 802.3 is a standard specification for Ethernet, a method of physical communication in a local area network (LAN). In general, 802.3 specifies the physical media and the working characteristics of Ethernet, what is commonly known as the CSMA/CD protocol.

Four data rates are currently defined for operation over optical fiber and twisted-pair cables in IEEE 802.3:

10 Mbps         10Base-T Ethernet
100 Mbps        Fast Ethernet
1,000 Mbps      Gigabit Ethernet
10,000 Mbps     10 Gigabit Ethernet

Following are the main characteristics of Ethernet:
  • Easy to understand, implement, manage, and maintain
  • Allows low-cost network implementations
  • Provides extensive topological flexibility for network installation
  • Guarantees successful interconnection and operation of standards-compliant products, regardless of manufacturer


Thursday, August 24, 2017

How To Run Juniper Router JunOS Olive VM image(.OVA) in GNS3

How To Run Juniper Router JunOS Olive VM image (.OVA) in GNS3

First of all, download, install and run Oracle VM VirtualBox, and GNS3 on your PC.

Secondly, download the JunOS Olive VM image from the link below:

Download JunOS image file for GNS3

(Link searched from internet and pasted here for reference only)

After downloading the JunOS VM image, open the Oracle VM VirtualBox console. Click File and select Import Appliance to import VM (or just double click on the downloaded file and run it with Oracle VM VirtualBox to Import Appliance.)

Now, click the Browse button to locate the downloaded JunOS image file, select it, and then click Next

Accept the default resource values or adjust them as per requirement, and then click Import.
(I'm using default values that came with downloaded VM.

Once the VM is imported, select it, and click Start to power on.

In case, while importing the Virtual Machine in Oracle VM VirtualBox, you get the error "could not start the machine because following physical network interfaces were not found" than click Change Network Settings, select Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter from the list, and then click OK.
(If Microsoft Lopback Adapter is not already installed, than install it via the "Add Hardware Wizard" on windows and than select it in network settings)
If this error does not occur than, skip this step.

Now, on GNS3, click Edit, and select Preferences. On the Preferences window, select VirtualBox VMs in the left pane, and then select New.
Select JunOS Olive VM (Juniper router IOS image)and click Finish.

Now click Edit, change Symbol & Category to Router. Move on to the Network tab, and set the number of adapters as per your requirement (I selected 4 here)
Also, Select the Allow GNS3 to use any configured VirtualBox adapter check box and click OK. Now again press Apply & OK.

Now, in GNS3 console GUI, drag & drop the Junos router and start it.

Switch to the JunOS VirtualBox console or go to console from GNS3. At the login prompt, type root as username and press Enter. The Password is blank
At the next prompt, type cli and press Enter, and "Show Version" to verify the Junos version.



How to run Juniper Router (JunOS) .img in GNS3

Installing Juniper Router IOS (Junos) .img via GNS3 Qemu on Local Computer or GNS3 VM:

  • GNS3 installed
  • VMWare or Oracle VM VirtualBox installed (If you want to install to VM)
  • Juniper Router IOS (Junos) .img file

Adding Junos in GNS3

Open GNS3 and go to Edit > Preferences > QEMU > QEMU VMs

Select "Run this Qemu VM on the GNS3 VM" for running Junos on VM
select "Run this Qemu VM on local computer" for running Junos on local computer and press Next (I’m running it on VM here).

Name the Junos here and press Next

Select Qemu Binary and RAM here and press Next (I’m using auto-selected default Qemu binary values by GNS3 and 256MB of RAM)

Choose Consol Type here (I selected Telnet) and press Next

Now, choose basic disk image for the virtual machine, if you haven’t already chosen/uploaded it to VM than select New Image and give path to Junos.img file and it will start uploading .img file to VM. Give it some time to upload and press Finish. (I had it already uploaded to VM earlier while testing so, chose Existing Image and selected the .img file from drop down menu)
Click Apply and OK

To change the Junos Router Icon, press all devices icon from the left hand menu, select Junos router and right click on it. Click on Configure Template. Now change the Symbol from Browse option and select router icon from the list. Also, change the Category from drop down menu and select Routers.

Change Network Adapters to 4 (Maximum supported by QEMU) or according to your need and press OK.

Now, you are all set to test the settings.

Drag & Drop the Junos router to the main topology window, turn it on, and get console access. Give it some time to boot (At least 4-5 minutes)

After Successful boot, login with "root" and press enter & to enter into Junos CLI mode type "cli" and press enter. 



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